January 16: How I experience the era of Jane Austen and Napoleon
The 18th-19th century transition is a time of dramatic change in European politics, science, literature, music, art and fashion. Jane Austen wrote, Lord Byron wrote and loved, and Beethoven and Schubert transformed music. Meanwhile, the French monarchy fell, Napoleon conquered Europe, and the Western world modernized. Ilze Valdmane will explore women’s fashion and explain why thousands partake in events reviving this vibrant era.
Latvian. Chef’s signature soup.
Schedule at the Toronto Latvian Centre 10:00 Activities; Choir rehearsal with Irisa 11:30 Exercises with Peter; Zoom open 12:00 Lunch 12:40 Group song and Ivars’ weekly report 13:00 Program Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2105058856 Facebook Live: https://www.facebook.com/events/1169427471187224/
January 23: Letts jump into Latvian
Two new Latvian language resources, Letts Jump into Latvian and Valoda mazuļiem un maziem bērniem, help kids and adults learn and enhance their Latvian skills. The project creators Aija Mazsīle and LNAK vice-president Ingrīda Zemīte will share their insights.
In Latvian and English. Chef’s signature soup.
Schedule at the Toronto Latvian Centre: 10:00 Activities; Choir rehearsal with Irisa. 11:30 Exercises with Peter; Zoom open. 12:00 Lunch. 12:40 Group song and Ivars’ weekly report. 13:00 Program
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2105058856 Facebook Live: https://www.facebook.com/events/1245266743224002/
January 30: Brain games: Latvian sports
What’s the most popular sport in Latvia? Has Latvia ever managed to beat Canada in hockey? Let’s test our knowledge about Latvian sports! Teams will compete table against table while discovering fascinating new facts. Hosted by Viesturs Zariņš.
Latvian. Chef’s signature soup.
Schedule at the Toronto Latvian Centre: 10:00 Activities; Choir rehearsal with Irisa. 11:30 Exercises with Peter; Zoom open. 12:00 Lunch. 12:40 Group song and Ivars’ weekly report. 13:00 Program
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2105058856 Facebook Live: https://www.facebook.com/events/1299397201208975/
February 6: Baltic defence – firsthand insights
What does it truly mean to defend a border? Anna Priedīte-Priede spent three weeks in military training for the Latvian reserves, while Canadian Army officer Rowan Leach completed a seven-month deployment with Latvia’s NATO mission. Go beyond the headlines and hear these powerful stories from the front lines.
In English. Gourmet lunch.
(Register by February 2 by contacting Maruta Freimuts: 416-233-9552, mfreimuts@gmail.com. TLPA members $25, guests $30.)
Schedule at the Toronto Latvian Centre: 10:00 Activities; Choir rehearsal with Irisa. 11:30 Exercises with Peter; Zoom open. 12:00 Lunch. 12:40 Group song and Ivars’ weekly report. 13:00 Program
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2105058856 Facebook Live: https://www.facebook.com/events/594438200184610/