English Aizvērt

Who:               Latvian Canadian Cultural Centre members and (soon to be members)

What:              Information Session on upcoming updates to LCCC By-Laws

When:             19:00 on July 31, 2024

Where:            Online via Zoom


Meeting ID: 445 122 5770

Passcode: 356996

One of the priorities for the current LCCC board is to update the Latvian Centre’s Statutes. Part of this process is providing information to the membership and listening to the community. The Board is the point of sharing a further update prior to the September AGM to provide everyone an opportunity to learn more about the process of bylaw changes, and openly talk about how to improve your organization’s structure, processes and more.

Ja vēlaties rīkot pasākumu LCT, mēs piedāvājam:

  • Telpu sakārtošanu un novākšanu.
  • Palīdzēsim ar pakalpojumu un piegādātāju informāciju.
  • Sarakstu ar darbiniekiem, kuŗiem var zvanīt, lai noalgotu bārmeņus vai apkalpojošo personālu.

Ēdināšanas kontakti:

Zupa Zupa Catering
Zupas, aukstais galds, uzkodas u.c.
Tel 289-442-7799

Eatsmart caters
Ēdināšana visiem pasākumiem

Ranjith Jayawardana
Pīrāgi, biezpienmaize, ābolmaize, drumstalmaize, tortes

“Em. Melngailim 150”

2024. gada 4. maijā pl. 16:00 Latviešu Centra Kursas zālē

Svinēsim Latvijas neatkarības atjaunošanu pie balti klāta galda

Aicina Latviešu mūzikas ansamblis “Skanda”, vadītājs Janis Beloglāzovs Ieeja pret ziedojumiem (sākot ar $20)

Who:               Latvian Canadian Cultural Centre members and (soon to be members)

What:              Information Session on upcoming updates to LCCC By-Laws

When:             19:00 on March 27, 2024

Where:            In-person Riga Zale

Online via Zoom

Meeting ID: 445 122 5770

Passcode: 356996

Additional information:

One of the priorities for the current LCCC board is to update the Latvian Centre’s Statutes. Part of this process is providing information to the membership and listening to the community. The first of several sessions planned prior to the September AGM will provide everyone an opportunity to learn more about the process of bylaw changes, and openly talk about how to improve your organization’s structure, processes and more.